Finnart St Paul’s not only has a beautiful building, it has extensive grounds of varied nature. The main gate, on Newark Street, has an access wide enough to allow a few cars to park opposite the front door. Similarly the side gate, on Bentinck Street, can admit several cars which is beneficial on fund-raising car washing days.
There are wide gravelled areas bordered by flower beds on all sides. These beds are lovingly tended by Melanie, who has gathered and protected a wide range of annual and perennial specimens.
At the west end of the church ground there is an area, the size of a small football pitch, where a number of trees form a circle round a grassed space which may be used for children’s picnics, afternoon cream teas and sundry events of a social nature. The older trees, which are mainly Elder and Lime, must have been planted in the days of the “Tin Tab”, where old gates have been incorporated into the church railings. The grass is kept disciplined by altruistic gentlemen members of the congregation.
shrubs and herbaceous plants, whose names have challenging spellings, have
been given a home and cherished by Melanie in the church garden. Altogether
she has maintained a haven of peace and order which is ideal for personal
meditation or for organised group activity.